center> Important News Iran stars: US Military in Middle East Must Play Role in Stopping Iranian Regime's Spread of Terror
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US Military in Middle East Must Play Role in Stopping Iranian Regime's Spread of Terror

US Military in Middle East Must Play Role in Stopping Iranian Regime's Spread of Terror
Thursday, 01 March 2018 08:16

NCRI Staff

NCRI - Iran has been meddling in the internal affairs of numerous nations across the Middle East in its bid for regional hegemony. It has also been fuelling conflicts and wars, such as those in Syria and Yemen, and it has been funding terrorist groups and militias for years. It is at the centre of most conflicts in the region and its belligerence is increasing, along with its desperation.

General Joseph Votel who is in charge of US Command spoke this week about Iran. He said that although the American-led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria does not have countering Iran as its mission, it is still an issue that needs to be dealt with.

He said that the relationship between the Iraqi government, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the coalition has put the United States in a position to “impede Iran’s objectives of establishing lines of communication through these critical areas and trying to connect Tehran to Beirut, for example”.

Last month, officials from the Tump administration had said that the United States military will remain in Syria even after ISIS has been defeated. They stated that one of the main reasons for this was to curb Iran’s belligerence in the Middle East and to stop its influence from further spreading.

Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State confirmed that this indefinite stay in Syria was part of a US strategy. He said: “US disengagement from Syria would provide Iran the opportunity to further strengthen its position in Syria. As we have seen from Iran’s proxy wars and public announcements, Iran seeks dominance in the Middle East and the destruction of our ally, Israel. As a destabilized nation and one bordering Israel, Syria presents an opportunity that Iran is all too eager to exploit.”Commenting on the above statement, Votel said that Tillerson’s comments had nothing to do with US military objectives, but more an overall strategy. “My understanding, as the secretary of State laid this out, is he laid it out not as a U.S. military objective; he laid it out as a US objective.” However, he went on to acknowledge that the US military will be able to indirectly counter Iran’s malign influence. “I think I would characterize it more in that regard than us actively doing something militarily against Iran.”

This leaves a lot of questions open about the role of the US military in the region, however it seems to have been agreed that the threat of Iran is a legitimate and pressing one.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has been instrumental in revealing the dangers of the Iranian regime. It has a large network of people inside Iran, and the intelligence it has gathered has been used by intelligence agencies all over the world.

There is no doubt that where there is conflict, Iran is not too far away.

The people of Iran have been calling for regime change because they know that there is no other way to stop its meddling and fuelling of conflicts. Officials from the world over have affirmed and reaffirmed that Iran remains the main state sponsor of terrorism and it is essential to make sure that the regime is stopped. It cannot be contained.

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