center> Important News Iran stars: Iran Regime's Interference in Iraqi Elections Stirs Tensions
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Iran Regime's Interference in Iraqi Elections Stirs Tensions

Iran Regime's Interference in Iraqi Elections Stirs Tensions
Thursday, 01 March 2018 08:09

NCRI Staff

NCRI - The Iranian regime has been interfering in the internal affairs of numerous countries including Syria and Yemen. Recently, Iran’s presence in Iraq is on the rise.

During an official visit to Iran a few weeks ago, the Supreme Leaders top advisor, Ali Akbar Velayati, spoke about the imminent elections that will be taking place in Iraq – causing much controversy in the country.

Velayati said: “We will not allow liberals and communists to govern in Iraq.” This comment was clearly in relation to the country’s political situation in which the Sadrist movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr is refusing to adopt a stance that is dictated by Iran.

Followers of the Sadrist movement have been outspoken about their contempt for Iran and organisations such as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Sadrist followers have been heard shouting slogans against Qasem Soleimani – the leader of the IRGC’s Quds Force.

Many other political figures have commented on Iran’s interference in Iraqi politics and the secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, Raed Fahmi, has commented on the remarks made by Velayati. He said that it is a clear interference in internal affairs. The Iraqi Communist Party is running in the elections with the Sairoun coalition which is allied with the Sadrist movement.

During his official visit to Iraq, Velayati held meetings with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and President Fuad Masum, as well as Shiite leaders with links to Iran - former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, for example. He also met with Ammar al-Hakim - head of the Wisdom Movement, Hadi al-Amiri - head of the Badr Organization, and Sheikh Humam Hamoudi - head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

It is clear that Iran is concerned about how the election in Iraq will turn out and it is clear to see that Iran has invested a lot in gaining political support in the country.

Iran is concentrating on its efforts abroad because it knows that the domestic situation is very fragile. At the end of last year, millions of Iranians took to the streets to protest against the terrible economic conditions that resulted in the poorer getting poorer. Very quickly, the protests turned into anti-government demonstrations and the people were calling for regime change.

The people called on Iran to leave Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Instead of making sure that the social conditions in Iran improved, the Iranian regime decided to spend millions of dollars in other countries.When the nuclear deal took effect, Iran was given access to huge amounts of funds, but none of it was spent on the people at home.

So, for the sake of the Iranian people and the many millions more people across the region, it really is time for the international community to call for regime change. Although change needs to come from inside the country, the brave people of Iran need to be backed by those outside the country. Now is the time for change because the crises in the Middle East – fuelled by Iran – must stop.

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