center> Important News Iran stars: We Must Confront Iran Regime on Foreign Missile Factories
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We Must Confront Iran Regime on Foreign Missile Factories

By NCRI Staff
NCRI - The Iranian Regime must be confronted over its missile factories across the Middle East, according to an expert on Iran.
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, a Harvard-educated Iranian-American political scientist, wrote an op-ed for Arab News in which he assessed that the Iranian regime must be confronted over its secret missile factories, in order to prevent them from creating nuclear-ready missiles and further destabilising the Middle East.
The latest intelligence reports reveal that Iran is manufacturing advanced precision-guided missiles in Syrian, Lebanese, and potentially Yemeni factories, with plans to expand into other Middle Eastern countries.
Rafizadeh wrote: “It has become crystal clear that Iran is in direct violation of UN Resolution 2231, which was adopted as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal.”
The resolution states that all countries must take measures to prevent the “supply, sale, or transfer of arms or related materiel from Iran by their nationals or using their flag vessels or aircraft and whether or not originating in the territory of Iran” unless agreed upon by the UN Security Council.
Rafizadeh wrote that Iran is trying to achieve several objectives, by setting up these factories in foreign nations, which we will address.
Avoiding Detection
Iran has been repeatedly caught smuggling weapons to their proxy groups around the Middle East but if the weapons are produced in the country where the proxy group operates, the chances of being caught and having the weapons confiscated are lower.
Cutting Costs
In order to deliver weapons to Syria to assist the Assad dictatorship in the civil war, Iran has had to smuggle them on their commercial aircraft which cost a lot of money. By producing the weapons in house, as it were, transport costs drop dramatically.
Strengthening the Shiite crescent
It is no secret that Iran wants to control the Middle East eventually and has been working on destabilising the governments of Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria through proxy groups in order to gain power. By producing the weapons in the same countries, under the control of the proxy groups, it strengthens the proxies and weakens the governments. It could even convince other rebel groups in need of arms to come begging to the Regime.
Rafizadeh wrote: “The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently pointed out that he would make sure that the peacekeeping force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, completes its mission of preventing Hezbollah’s arms stocks building up…But words are not sufficient. The UN needs to take concrete action against the main provider of these weapons: The Iranian government.”
More Influence
Iran sends intelligence, military, and training teams when it sets up these weapons factories, but these teams can help Iran exert more power over the country by gathering information.
Wars by Proxy
Iran will also be able to use these weapons factories to launch wars in foreign countries, without getting their own hands dirty so to speak, pitting other countries against each other. For instance, if Iran orders the Lebanese proxies to launch weapons against Israel, then Israel will retaliate again Lebanon.
The huge military presence that Iran is creating in these countries will make it easier for them to seize power, because you cannot shut the border when the enemy is already inside.
Rafizadeh wrote: “This is part of Iran’s long-term hegemonic ambitions and the pursuit of imperialistic pre-eminence in the region.”
Rafizadeh concluded: “In closing, Iran is significantly extending its influence and expanding its reach in the Middle East by escalating the establishment of weapons-production facilities in foreign nations. The international community needs to hold the Iranian government to account for the further militarization, radicalization and intensifying of violence in the region, as well as for violating UN resolution 2231 and international law

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