center> Important News Iran stars: Trump Urged to Speak With Iranian People About Overthrowing Regime
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Trump Urged to Speak With Iranian People About Overthrowing Regime

Trump Urged to Speak With Iranian People About Overthrowing Regime
Friday, 02 March 2018 04:15

NCRI Staff

NCRI - Donald Trump will be urged to demonstrate America’s commitment to regime change in Iran by making a direct appeal to the Iranian people who are still involved in nationwide protests across the country.

This comes as a senior US congressional representative met with leaders of the Iranian Resistance in Paris to discuss how the US can tangibly support to Iranian citizens wanting to overthrow the “weakened regime”.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Chairman of the Congressional Sub-Committee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, said: “The uprising is not over in Iran. It is an ongoing effort to wipe away these fanatic Islamists and their corrupt regime.”

Indeed, just last week, the Iranian Regime’s police warned that women who continue to protest against the regime’s sexist compulsory hijab law could face up to 10 years in prison.

So far, 29 women have been arrested for protesting the hijab law alone and have been charged with 'inciting corruption and prostitution', according to Amnesty International.

Shaparak Shajarizadeh, who was arrested 11 days ago, has been subjected to beatings by the guards and “injected with an unknown substance by the prison authorities”. While, Narges Hosseini was arrested just over a month ago, but nothing is known of her condition.

Rohrabacher said: “The Iranian people have shown tremendous courage to stand up to very brutal and fanatic oppressors. I want to make sure that they understand that members of the US Congress, and the American people, are on their side.”
He continued: “The last thing we need to do is to demoralise those people who want a free society and to stand up to the mullahs. Nor should we emboldening the mullahs by sounding like we are ignoring the repression that has manifested itself so much in the last two months.”

Rohrabacher said that he would advise Trump to speak directly with the Iranian people, so that those long-suffering people know that the United States stands with them.

Congressman Rohrabacher and Congressman Judge Ted Poe, chair of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation and Trade, met with Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on Tuesday.

Rajavi said: “The uprising marked a turning point in the struggle of the Iranian people to attain freedom and democracy which made it palpably clear that the Iranian people demand the overthrow of this regime.”How could the US help the Iranian people?

There are many ways in which the US could help the Iranian people to overthrow the Regime, but the one with the most support is re-imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian Regime’s officials and entities, especially those involved in suppressing the protesters.

The US could also help the Iranian people by providing them with access to an open internet, which is blocked in Iran, or by forcing the expulsion of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its proxy militias from the Middle East.

Rohrabacher said: “The regime is weaker than we think. Its economy is a disaster with high unemployment, while all its money is going to [the] military arm of the mullahs… The way it answered the demonstrations that broke in more than 100 cities shows it too. The fact that they still hold thousands of political prisoners shows that they are frightened and we should be recognising this as a time to be even more aggressive for human rights demands in Iran.”

He explained that this was not a call for direct US military intervention, because the Iranian people themselves must be the ones to overthrow the Regime, but that the US has a role to play.

Rohrabacher said: “We have already issued more sanctions against the IRGC - an arm of the Iranian Government that causes terror throughout the world – as well as against specific members of the Iranian Government.”

Rajavi said: “With the Iranian people’s uprising, the clerical regime has entered its final phase and as such any investment in this regime is doomed to fail. It is time for the international community to stand with the Iranian people and not with the clerical regime.”

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