center> Important News Iran stars: The Fate of Political Prisoners in Iran
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The Fate of Political Prisoners in Iran

The Fate of Political Prisoners in Iran
Wednesday, 28 February 2018 22:35

NCRI Staff

NCRI - Every anti-regime protester in Iran knows the harsh penalty for getting caught, but, in desperation, they are still heading to the streets.

So far in the nationwide protests of 2018, dozens have been killed by the Regime’s security forces, tens of thousands have been attacked, thousands have been arrested and are facing the death penalty for vague charges of violating national security, and dozens have been disappeared or died in suspicious circumstances whilst in custody.

Even those who evade the police on the streets are often tracked down by Iran’s intelligence agencies, fielded by the Basij militia, who have constructed a fearsome network of spies, who mingle among the protesters and collect video evidence of them calling for regime change or handing out leaflets questioning Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, which is later used as ‘evidence’.

Not only is the Regime looking for protesters in the streets, but they are also tracking their online activity, looking for anti-regime sentiments on social media and eventually sentencing the posters to lengthy prison terms or death.

Even those who are “released” in order to subvert an escalation of protests in that area, are often re-arrested upon their return home. The security forces will search their house for “evidence” and undoubtedly find it, whether it was there or not, and re-arrest the protestor.

The arrested person is often blindfolded and handcuffed, to disorientate them and make them less likely to resist, before being taken to prison where they are subjected to torture and abuse as a matter of routine, perhaps even being killed by the Iranian Regime.Abuse

Political prisoners are often treated the worst in Iran’s jails. This is just a short list of things that political prisoners under the Iranian Regime have to endure:

• forcibly stripped

• doused with disinfectant

• beaten by brutal guards

• forced to listen while their captors scream obscenities/threats about their families

• denied medical attention

• tortured

• forced to confess

• placed in solitary confinement

• subjected to severe sleep deprivation

• held in freezing water

• forced naked into the prison yard during freezing weather

• forced to have amputations

• forced to swallow poison

Middle East expert T. Deheaume wrote: “This is the start of breaking the will of a prisoner, because even if physical torture is not immediately applied, all prisoners are subjected to some form of psychological torture from the point of arrest. Such treatment is designed to break down those incarcerated, making them more likely to confess to the various trumped-up charges reigned against them, and with the guards watching over them full of spite, punching and kicking become an integral part of the softening up process, which they carry out with great relish.”

Even once a prisoner has died, the Regime still keeps up its abuse, from refusing an autopsy, to withholding the body, to forcing the family to not hold a ceremony. The only constant is abuse from the Iranian Regime.

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