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Iran: Revelation; Thousands of Illiterate Rich Kids Seeking Power

Iran: Revelation; Thousands of Illiterate Rich Kids Seeking Power
Friday, 02 March 2018 02:58

NCRI Staff

NCRI - "The recent protests are the most serious crisis of the regime after coming to power"

An associate professor at Tehran University said: More than 4,000 aghazadeh (corrupt rich kids of the Iranian regime officials) are studying in the UK as students. Most of them return to the country and ask for their share of power. Their bold presence in decision-making organs creates crisis.

According to the state-run Bahar News, Akbar Valizadeh considers the issue of ‘Aghazadeh’ as one of the crises the country is facing. He speaks of the activation of a generation of ‘Aghazadeh’ who are neither literate nor have managerial skills but are demanding, and are not satisfied with minor responsibilities and positions and that the decision making of this stratum in the structure can lead to a crisis.

In his view, another crisis is the protest of those who lose their jobs. He says the protest of this group is different from the unemployed and says that the unemployed wants a job, but a person who loses his job will lose all his normal living conditions and accumulate debt and other expenses, which would make him defiant and rebellious.

Valizadeh is one of the people who, according to the responsibilities that he has, believes that the unrest in January is the most crisis in the regime since its onset, due to the extent of the protests.

In analysing this event, he points to various propositions such as accumulation of financial demands of the people, weakening of the middle class of the society, the concern of the youth and students of his future and his career, the sudden change in the class of people and the contradictions of the traditional and modern society in the country, and then he warns about some of the crises awaiting the regime.

“According to the statistics,” he says, “the recent crisis was the most widespread crisis after the Islamic Revolution, as at least for the first time all provinces of the country and 29 provincial capital were involved. I do not have the demographic number of the protesters, but its extent indicates that the recent events were a very serious crisis that took over and managed the country, but crisis management does not mean the end of the crisis and the disappearance of the areas of crisis and return to the past.”

This university associate professor adds: “I would like to raise another sociological analysis that has been underestimated. In this incident, I pointed out the disappointment and frustration factors. In the past decade, one incident has been neglected from all perspectives, and it is the weakening, and in other words, the decline of the middle class in Iranian society. The economic developments weakened the middle class and made the society dipolar.”“The middle class has two functions: in the economic sphere its function is consumerism. Part of the disadvantages of the country’s economic situation should be considered as and is due to the weakening of the middle class. The middle class does not have the purchasing power and consequently does not consume, therefore, recession and lethargy of the market is due to the weakness of the middle class,” he said.

“The second function of the middle class is that this class is the loop of connecting the government with the people. The discussion of legitimacy, the transfer of hope to society, and the various debates in the political and social spheres are on the shoulder of the middle class, and because this class became smaller and weakened, it has lost its function.”

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