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Maryam Rajavi
Iranian Resistance
Iranian Opposition
Civilian Protests

By mahdavi nasim
Disappointed by the deteriorating economic condition and rampant official corruption, the suppressed Iranian people poured into the streets and demanded radical political changes in Iran. The events led to widespread protests that astounded the world and shook the pillars of the power in the country.
Impotent to respond to the legitimate demands of people, as it was expected, the tyranny regime answered back the protesters with an iron fist by security forces and Basij Para militias affiliated to the IRGC. The crackdown’s toll rose to 50 and about 8000 arrests, more than 20 were tormented to death in the custody in different cities according to the reliable sources inside Iran.
The chief commander of IRGC, general Jafari, declared the end of protests, but there are numerous stating concerns over the continuation of the protests by the senior officials.
The fate and impacts of the two-weekly protests is the main question for lots of groups, from pro-democracy groups to the foreign politicians and policymakers and those who are seeking just their profits from the attractive markets of Iran. Except for the recent spectrum that forge the facts to adopt their benefits, to have a realistic perspective of the events in the complicated political situation in Iran, to plan an objective roadmap, and to avoid being bewildered by the aftermaths of the anti-government protests, we have to scrutinize the situation.
To avoid misleading, the inevitable results of the most recent anti-government protests In Iran should be considered.
Neither of the factions inside regime led the protests. Compared with the 2009 uprising, the protesters aimed at the entirety of the clerical, tyranny dictatorship, stating, “hard-liner, reformist, the game is over.”
Numerous taboos were broken and various red lines were crossed during the protests. Over the past decades, any disagreement with the Supreme Leader was tantamount to “Enmity with the God” and “Corruption on Earth” whose verdicts were capital punishment. On the other side, all the tortures, amputations, executions inside the country and warmongering behaviors outside, were under the banner of Islam and “The will of God.”

So the slogans like, "Death to Rouhani," ,"Death to the dictator [Khamenei],", "Down with the regime,", "They have turned Islam into a stepping stone and made people desperate" and "Leave Syria alone and think of us," ,“Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, my life is for Iran” “Khamenei shame on you, leave the power” ,“We don’t want the Islamic Republic, we don’t want it,” are marking a turning point in the decisive struggle of the Iranian people with the religious fascism of Velayat-e faqih (the absolute warden of the cleric jurisprudent).

By aiming at the supreme leader and Rouhani, the protesters in the recent uprising were rejecting the entire so-called Islamic regime.

This regime's officials fail to provide any solution for the social crises that are surrounding people. Because this needs a U-turn in the fundamental policies of oppression inside the country and exporting fundamentalism to outside.

Protests over dire economic conditions, unseparated from the political situation, are going on and promoting into more political demands. While the mullahs regime is facing to intensifying international isolation and there are no more prospects of cash delivery on pallets and by airplanes, due to the fatal strokes to the appeasement policy.

The corrupt mullahs, who have looted all country's resources and have spent it to fund their policy of aggressive interventionism in the Middle East, are impotent to renovate the crucial livelihood situation of Millions of Iranians who live in poverty.

Despite price rises and the immense number of jobless people, Mullahs still cannot halt their costly interfering in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon. They have admitted that withdraw from meddling in the region leads to a chain of retreats and ends to losing the power in Iran.

As a clear sign of impasse, the prominent officials of the clerical regime admitted to the might of the main democratic opposition movement, the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in the protests. Whilst, so far, all the efforts of the regime has been directed to prove the lack of the significant alternative to their regime, via extensive propaganda. In an unprecedented speech, Khamenei placed the blame for the uprising on Mojahedin and vowed taking revenge.

Also, President Rouhani, by a telephone call, supplicated his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron on Jan. 3, to restrict the activities of the Paris-based PMOI and their

leader Maryam Rajavi, an odd demand eager to develop the vicious crackdown from Tehran to the heart of Europe.

This is a proof of how the hypothesis of the spontaneous and with no direction protests, mislead, while the protests swiftly spread to more than 140 cities and towns with the same slogans.

For those who observe the protests merely the riot of the army of the famished, it is noteworthy to remind, in whole the presses of the uprising there was no sign of looting and wicked attacking to the people’s properties and assets, but all the symbols of the religious dictatorship were at aiming.

So with the simmering social and political situation, with the young, energetic and determined forces for radical changes in the streets, with an organized leadership with clear plans for future as the political alternative, Iran is a powder keg, waiting for a spark to explode. Everything is at hand to overthrow the fundamentalist regime in Iran and to establish democracy and justice.

For the international community, it is the time to stay in the right side of the history, and even to consider it an opportunity to correct the past mistakes.

As an urgent action the Iranian regime must be impelled to stop torturing and killing the detained protesters.

While the clerical regime threatens to cut off the social media networks, the world’s duty is to provide the Iranian people with the systems and means to overcome the technical hitches of communication and reporting the information.

All the financial resources in Iran are spent for crackdown and warmongering. The more international sanctions on the regime mean the lessening the ability of it to suppress the people.

As a moral and political principle, the issue of the Human rights must not be sacrificed in discussions of financial relations, nuclear, devastation behaviors of the Mullahs regime in the region, and …

Iran will be free, and, forever the Iranian people will keep their friends in need, in their mind.

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