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Strikes, Protests and Gatherings; Continue Against Iran Regime
Tuesday, 06 February 2018 21:41

workers of Chukka Factory in Talesh

Iran Uprising - No. 74

The oppressed people of Iran, especially the workers and the toilers, who are struggling with poverty, depression and growing problems day by day, continue to strike, demonstrate and protest against criminal and predatory rulers. Some of the protests on Monday February 5 are as follows:

1. The courageous youth of Quchan city punished a number of mercenaries from the Bassij Centre of Nabaviyyeh Mosque. These Bassijis used to harass young people under false pretexts.

2. The strike of agricultural workers at the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane continued for sixth day in protest of failure to pay their three months' salary. Workers from other parts of the Haft Tapeh sugar cane also joined these workers and gathered in front of the management office. Workers who retired a year ago also joined the strike workers on Monday. By closing the gates of agriculture yards, the workers prevented the exit of loading trailers. The day before, scores of repressive forces occupied the factory, and by attacking the workers and arresting a number of them, were submissively trying to put an end to the protests.

3. Retirees of the Steel and Mine Industries of Esfahan gathered in front of the retirement office, and protested the non-payment of their demands by chanting “One less embezzlement - our problem is solved”.

4. The retirees of the Steel and Mine Industries gathered in Ahvaz opposite the Governorate. They chanted: "The non-operational self-sufficient credit union is to be dissolved", "Astronomical salaries; public misery", "Yesterday’s craftsmen, Today's Displaced people."

5. The workers of the Hepco factory in Arak continued their protest for eight months unpaid salaries, which began on Monday morning at the factory on Monday morning. Their protest continued from 18:30H, along with hundreds of people who joined them and formed a human chain, in the National Garden Square.

6. A group of Ziraab retirees (Mazandaran province) gathered in protest against the non-payment of their demands.

7. Workers of the Shafarood Forest Company in Rezvanshahr continued their previous day’s protest for failure to pay five months of their salaries.

8. At the Chukka Factory in Talesh, workers protested the non-payment of four months' salary and stopping production of the factory. The hand written banners of these workers read: "Imagine four months without salary."

9. A group of workers from the Rangin Nakh cotton factory in Semnan set up a protest rally in front of the governor's office in protest against the non-payment of their salary, benefits and years of service.

10. The NoBonyad Metro workers stopped working in Tehran in protest to non-payment of eight months of their arrears.

11. The crane owners in Birjand gathered in front of the governorate of Birjand in protest of the problems that the regime is creating for their vehicle fuel quotas.

12. In Khorramabad, a group of looted Taxi Development project gathered and protested in front of the freight and passenger transportation organization.

13. Taxi drivers in the new city of Andisheh in Shahriar stopped working and went on strike in protest of their livelihood.

14. Dismissed employees of the Caspian State Institution in Mashhad gathered in front of the Khayyam Branch in protest of their dismissal.

15. In Tabriz, a group land owners whose lands had been usurped by the Havanirouz (Heliboard) launched a protest. They had handwritten banners on which it was written: "20 years ago, Havanirouz usurped our lands that we had purchased from the endowment. We are about 900 low income people. Due to the fact that the court issued a judgment convicting the Havanirouz, the enforcement department refrains from executing the court order. Is this much injustice really acceptable in Islamic rule? The authorities have to respond! "

16. The members of the families of workers and crew who lost their lives in the Sanchi tanker fire gathered in front of the regime's parliament in Tehran. They want the return of the bodies of their loved ones to Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 6, 2018

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