center> Important News Iran stars: People's Protests Continue in Different Parts of Iran
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People's Protests Continue in Different Parts of Iran

People's Protests Continue in Different Parts of Iran
Tuesday, 27 February 2018 16:56

The looted people of Caspian and Iranians Alborz protested in front of the regime’s parliament in Tehran

Iran Uprising - No. 89

As Nowrouz (Iranian New Year) approaches, the low-income strata who live in a deplorable situation, are facing more difficulties. Part of the protests of the workers and the toilers took on February 25 and 26 is as follows:
Monday, February 26:

1. The contract teachers of Andimashk and Bandar-Mahshahr, who refused to go to the classroom last week, continued their strike on Monday. They have announced that until their demands are not met, they would refuse to go to classrooms.
Teachers said that, after more than five months since the beginning of the school year, no teaching hours have been issued to Andimashk contract high school teachers, and no results have been achieved after the follow-ups.

2. The workers of the new Orumiyeh oil depot, who came to Tehran to protest not paying their eight months' salary and insurance, gathered in front of the building of the National Oil Distribution Company.

3. The contractors of the Arkan Sales Company, Ilam Refinery, gathered for the second day in protest against the non-payment of their outstanding salary with the slogan of “We do not want incompetent director, we stay here until we get our rights”.
4. A group of boat owners from Bandar Deir in Hormozgan province gathered in front of the governorate of the city in protest against the ban on their mediocre business.

5. More than 200 of the looted people of the Alborz Development State Institution in Tehran gathered at the intersection of Vali Asr and Zartosht in front of the office of this institution. They blocked the roads and chanted the slogans: "They use Islam, to slam the people.” The repressive policemen besieged the protesters.
6. The people of Sanandaj gathered in front of the office of Roads and Urban Development of the city in protest of the lack of accountability of the government agents for Mehr Housing Project and the poor quality of the delivered buildings.

7. Plasco Building shopkeepers who have not yet been able to set up their own businesses for more than a year; gathered in front of the 12th district municipality in Tehran's Shohada Square.
Sunday February 25:
8. Freimco workers in Bandr Mahshahr gathered in protest of their discrimination and low salaries and benefits.

9. Boroujerd Saman Tile workers gathered in front of the representative office of Khamenei in protest of their one-year arrears.

10. Workers at the Binalood Neishabur Dairy Company went on strike in protest of non-payment of their seven-month salary.

11. A group of workers from the Qazvin steel mills and Arman Shafagh in Qazvin province gathered in protest against the failure to pay their wages for several months in front of the Takestan governorate.

12. The deprived farmers in one of the villages of Chamchamal of Kermanshah confronted the regime’s agents with shovels and other agricultural tools in protest against water scarcity.

13. Farmers in Varzaneh city in Isfahan protested against disregard of the agents of the regime to their problems.

14. The workers and contractors of the Tehran Metro Line 3 gathered in protest of the failure to pay their salaries. They wrote on a big banner: We are not thugs; we are simple workers of the metro tunnel”

15. Disenchanted street vendors in Karaj gathered in protest of unemployment and harassment of municipality officials.

16. Drivers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, in a symbolic protest, drove their buses with lights turned on during the day to protest non-payment of their benefits.

17. The looted people of Caspian and Iranians Alborz protested in front of the regime’s parliament in Tehran, chanting: Iran's banks are thieves, they steal our money.

18. The plundered people of Afzal Toos and Valiasr state institutions gathered in front of the regime’s parliament and chanted: No nation has ever seen such a disgraceful government;

19. The plundered people of the Badr Toos Institution gathered in front of the Governorate in Mashhad. They had a banner on which they wrote: Oh, of this crime; God help us;

20. The plundered people of the Caspian Institute in Babol also chanted in front of the institute at their gathering: Hujjat ibn al-Hassan, uproot the root of oppression, Caspian be ashamed, leave our deposits;

21. The plundered people of the Caspian Institute in Kerman, along with Tehran and other cities, set up a protest rally.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 26, 2018

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