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The coordinating council of Iranian educators’ guild organization protested the continued crackdown of teachers by the regime's security institutions in various cities across Iran.In a statement released on Wednesday, January 31, the council cited the “security crackdown” on protesting teachers in the provinces of Lorestan, Isfahan and elsewhere in Iran as "suppressing teachers in various ways and methods.”
The statement goes on to say that this is the continuation of the "arrests, exiles and unlawful layoff of the teachers of this country that have been going on for many years.”
Referring to the two-week arrest of two educators by the security forces during the nationwide protests in more than 100 Iranian cities last December, the coordinating council wrote that “they were released only on bail and guarantees, but the mistreatment course did not stop and a director of the schools in Aligoudarz was summoned to the intelligence office by phone where he was subjected to beating and mayhem and released after a few hours.”
According to the Teachers' Association of Iran, “The ministry of education instead of pursuing this desecration cancelled his work order (dismissed him).”
“Mojtaba Hassanvand, head of the security department at the Education Department of Aligoudarz in Lorestan province (west of Iran), in a formal meeting with the schools administrators called them lawless riots, which was objected by the director of one of the schools.”
According to the report, “One day after the meeting, the director was summoned to the intelligence office of the city, and after being interrogated, he was beaten up and subjected to abusive vulgar words, and his management order was cancelled (fired or laid off) by the head of the department.”
The coordinating council wrote to the security and judicial authorities: “How is that you don’t have the power and are not able to prevent the escape of the plunderers of national treasury and thieves of the retirement funds and the educators’ reserve fund, but the suppress the civil demands of the people and teachers who are also your children's teachers? And arrest, detain, imprison, exile and depose or fire them in violation of law by illegal means?”

Currently, Esmail Abdi, Mohsen Omrani and Mokhtar Asadi, members of the Teachers' Guild Association, are imprisoned; Ali Akbar Baghani, another member of the association, is in exile, and Mohammad Beheshti Langroudi, the imprisoned spokesman for the organization, is on furlough.

Earlier, the Council for the Coordination of Iranian Teachers and Educators’ Trade Organizations saw the reason for the nationwide mass demonstrations in more than 100 Iranian cities in the final days of December and early January as “the mismanagement of government officials and the three branches of power,” and said that the Iranian people in the recent demonstrations protested against “bad status of economy and livelihoods, discrimination and systematic corruption, poverty, and class divisions”.

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