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Maryam Rajavi
Iranian Resistance
Human rights
Iraian women

Call for the release of a number of active women arrested by RIGC for participating in the 2018 Uprising in Iran.

By Mahdavi nasim

Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979 when the leadership of the anti-monarchy revolution was hijacked by Khomeini and clerics took the power.

Since the onset of the rule of the mullahs, the Iranian women have been severely suppressed by the Islamic regime.

Only one year after founding the so-called Islamic Republic, the women were forced to comply with the Dressing Code Issued by Mullahs, which was just one aspect of the sex discrimination under clerical rule.

At the beginning of 1978 Revolution, Iranian women were active in the scientific, social, economic and political arenas, but the Mullahs' laws restricted them. Many women were fired from jobs or imprisoned and tortured.

Among the supporters and members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK\PMOI), there were myriad of the young women, students, and intellectuals, whose activities drove the misogynist mullahs mad. So the women were subjects of retaliation, torture, and assassination, specifically over the period of 1988 massacre of the political prisoners by the religious decree of Khomeini. Due to the massacre, more than 30.000 political prisoners went to gallows, including lots of women even mothers and pregnant women. Some of the survival women left Iran and joined the Iranian resistance, the National Council Resistance of Iran(NCRI). the political alternative of the Iranian regime which is led by Maryam Rajavi, as a Moslem woman who represents a tolerated interpretation of Islam with a progressive ten point Plan for the time after overthrowing the clerical dictatorship ruling Iran.

Women in Iranian resistance, NCRI, are the source of motivation for oppressed women under the dominance of the tyranny regime ruling Iran. As it was clearly seen at the end of 2017 protests, the women were mostly at the front line of the protests and played a crucial role in guiding and organizing the nationwide uprising against the mullahs.

They also participate in the daily protests against the deteriorated economic condition the worsening livelihood situation in Iran.

The mullah’s regime feels a great danger of any protest movement by women in Iran because the women have been deprived of all their rights during the rule of the mullahs. They have great motivation and are very robust for retrieval their violated basic rights as the human. Now they are in line with protests and are opening new fronts against the vicious mullahs in Iran. They are also the source of inspiration for men to rise up to overthrow the fundamentalist regime in Iran to achieve democracy, justice, and equality and to make Iran a better place for the next generations.

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