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U.S House Majority Leader and FA Committee Leader Support the Uprising in Iran
Saturday, 06 January 2018 08:36

On Friday, January 5, 2018. concerning the current uprising in Iran was issued:
Leader McCarthy and Chairman Royce Announce Vote Supporting the People of Iran
Press Release 01.05.18
Media Contact 202-225-5021
Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (CA-39) issued the following statement announcing that the House will vote Tuesday on H. Res. 676 supporting the Iranian people:
“On Tuesday, the House will vote on a bipartisan resolution to join the administration in supporting the people of Iran. The radical regime in Tehran denies basic freedoms and crushes opposition with deadly force while pushing billions of dollars to terrorist activities abroad.“As brave Iranians take to the streets to protest the regime’s brutality and corruption, the U.S. cannot repeat the mistakes of the past. This resolution condemns the regime’s crackdowns on legitimate protest, and makes clear that America stands with Iranians who want peace, freedom and a better life.”

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