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Ncri Women’s Committee Calls for the Freedom of Two Female Political Prisoners
Friday, 26 January 2018 22:22

The torturers of the anti-human regime of mullahs transferred ladies Atena Daemi and Golrokh Iraee, two female political prisoners, to the Qarchak prison in Varamin on Wednesday, January 24, after beating them brutally.
This repressive act was carried out following a new frame-up against the two detainees who were summoned to the IRGC ward, named as ward 2-A, for interrogation. In response to the protest of these two women prisoners who refused to be interrogated and requested for transfer warrant, the torturers beat them severely. At night, on the orders of Haji Moradi, a torturer serving as prosecutor in Evin Prison, these two female prisoners were transferred to the Qarchak prison in Varamin.
29-year-old Atena, a human rights activist and child rights activist, was charged by the regime's judiciary for "propaganda against the regime, holding gatherings and collusion against national security," and insulting Khamenei to seven years in prison, and Gulkah Iravi, a human rights activist, was also charged with "insulting the sacred" and insulting Khamenei to six years in prison.
The Qarchek prison in Varamin is known as ‘the second Kahrizak’ among the people for its horrible conditions. The mullahs’ regime transfers female political prisoners to this place by violating the principle of separation of crimes.
The atrocities committed against Atena Daemi and Golrokh Iraee, are the mullahs’ regime’s vengeful reaction to their support for the uprising of the Iranian people, and to intimidate brave Iranian women, especially female students, who played a significant role in the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people.

While expressing its disgust at the mullahs’ regime’s brutalities against female political prisoners, the NCRI Women's Committee calls on all international authorities, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, the Working Group on Arbitrary Arrests, the Rapporteur on Torture, and all defenders of women’s rights to take immediate action to address the situation of political prisoners, especially the two women prisoners and their unconditional release.

Women's Committee of the National Resistance Council of Iran
January 26, 2018

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