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Minister of Health: 2000 Deaths Annually Due to Work-Related Accidents in Iran
Tuesday, 23 January 2018 11:33

NCRI Staff
NCRI - The Iranian regime’s minister of health announced that 2000 workers die annually due to work-related accidents in Iran and 40 percent of the workshops in the country do not provide necessary safety for the workers.
According to the state-run ISNA news agency, Seyd Hassan Hashemi in the annual meeting of the safe societies held in Razi conference centre stated: “The occurrence of some incidents such as the Plasco, traffic accidents and... are the symbols of the inefficiencies accumulated over decades and today are causing many deaths and disabilities in the country.”
“Every year, 16,000 people and every day 44 people die because of traffic accidents.”
“900 people a day and 333,000 people annually are facing these accidents, and some of them suffer from severe disabilities. There are several hundred points of accident in the country that more than 50% of them are high accident spots, which means we know where the accidents are going to happen but we are not trying to fix them.”
The regime’s minister of health added: “Burn incidents, most of which occur in workplaces, annually kill 3,000 people. Thirty thousand people are hospitalized due to these incidents and 150,000 people become disabled. In addition, 80,000 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning occur annually in which 800 of them die.”

“40% of the workshops do not have the necessary safety,” he added. “As a result of work accidents, more than 100 people are disabled every day... A hospital that I opened in Eslamabad-e Gharb (Kermanshah province) collapsed less than a year ago due to the earthquake, while houses with ages of over 50 remained still and were not damaged.” In the same area.

Noting that the construction works were not favourable, the Minister of Health acknowledged: “Three people die in the workshop every day because of the accidents and dozens of people are injured.

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