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Maryam Rajavi
Inside Iran
Free Iran

Armin Sadeghi, 13, killed during anti-government protests respectively on 1 Jan. 2018.
By late Monday night, 2 January 2018, at the end of the fifth day of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people against the clerical regime, IRGC and other state security forces have shot dead at least 30 protesters. Ten of the deaths came on Monday in Ghahdirijan (Isfahan province). Other cities in which state security forces have killed protesters were Doroud, Izeh, Toysirkan, Shahin-Shahr, Hamedan, and Nourabad.
Tehran province’s deputy governor, Ali-Asghar Nasserbakht, told the state-run news agency ILNA on Tuesday that, “Yesterday a hundred people were arrested in Tehran and the total number of detainees in Tehran during 31st December, and 1st and 2nd of January, has reached 450.”The regime’s governor in Izeh (Khuzestan province) said, “Several people have been injured and killed in recent days,” in Izeh. He announced that, “Schools in the city will be closed throughout the afternoon of today (Tuesday).”
The anti-human clerical regime is making a vain attempt to stem the tide of popular rage after four decades of oppression, poverty, and unemployment, with mass killings and imprisonments. The crimes that Khamenei, Rouhani, and other regime officials are committing in various Iranian cities these days will only stiffen the Iranian people’s will to overthrow the totality of their regime.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the European Union and member states, the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the UN Secretary General, and on all international human rights organizations, to adopt effective measures against the killings and suppression of the Iranian people by the Iranian regime.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community to cut commercial and political ties to this medieval regime and implement comprehensive sanctions against it. The Iranian people’s inalienable right to overthrow this regime must be recognized.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 2, 2018

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