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IRAN: Taking Down the Banner of Khamenei and the Fearful Reactions of Regime Officials
Sunday, 31 December 2017 10:23

Iran Uprising – No. 14
Courageous youth in Azadi Square took down Khamenei's banner. The repressive forces tried to disperse the people by tear gas. The protesters chanted “Bastard, bastard!”
Mohammad Jawad Azari Jahromi, Minister of Communications and Information Technology of the regime, in a tweet sent to the Founder of the Telegram Network, wrote: "There is a Telegram channel spreading hatred, encouraging people to use Molotov cocktails, to arm and to unsettle the society. Now it's time to stop such an encouragement by Telegram."

IRGC Brigadier General Mohsen Rezaee, secretary of the Expediency Council, and former head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, fearful of the Iranian people's uprising said: "The problem of high cost and the challenge of financial and credit institutions is serious ... In any protest, it may be possible that hypocrites (referring to PMOI) and seditionists intrude but the people do not repeat their slogans, in return, the government and the parliament have to solve the problems. Inefficiencies can not be compensated by words."
"It's not right to increase fuel price and other items without raising the incomes of the people," he said in a bold retreat from policy of increasing the prices of basic items and public goods. “The government and the parliament must give satisfactory answers to people's protests.”
Secretary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 30, 2017

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