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Iran: Continuing Executions, Even in the International Human Rights Day
Monday, 18 December 2017 17:58
11 executions in four days
Last week coinciding with International Human Rights day, the cycle of lashings, torture and executions continued in Iran under the religious fascism, taking more victims.
From December 11 to 14, Iran witnessed 11 executions in the cities of Sari, Kermanshah, Ardebil, Isfahan, Khuy and Shiraz. These included three public hangings. In this period at least 14 inmates of Karaj prison, west of Tehran, were sentenced to death.
On December 11, five prisoners were mass executed in Diesel Abad prison of Kermanshah, and a prisoner was hanged in Sari prison - Northern Iran.
Aimed at raising the atmosphere of fear across the country, the regime publicly hanged two inmates accused of killing Asghar Ghezavati, a member of Iran regime’s police force. These executions were carried out in the city of Isfahan on December 13..ndividuals, Abdul-Majeed Hassan Zehi, was hanged without any prior information of the timing of his execution. Two days before his hanging he was suddenly transferred to solitary confinement. This criminal measure sparked anger among the public.
On December 14 an inmate in the city of Khuy was hanged in public. Another inmate was hanged on the same day in the city of Shiraz.
The relentless continuation of ruthless hangings are aimed at intensifying a climate of fear and preventing social unrest. On December 10 Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Yazdi, commander of the so-called Mohammad Rasulollah Division, missioned to maintain security in Tehran, warned of a social earthquake.
Mahmoud Sadeghi, a member of Iran’s parliament, expressed concern of “super challenges” that await this regime.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the entire Iranian populace, especially the youth, to protest these ruthless punishments and express their solidarity with the victims’ families. The international community should hinge its trade and agreements with this regime on the immediate halt of executions and torture.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 18, 2017

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