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Home \\ World \\ Paris conference addresses "explosi...17 Dec, 2017
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi
Riyadh "Riyadh Daily"
Paris conference addresses "explosive conditions in Iran, Mullahs' regime in crises"
“Just as it was necessary to confront Daesh, it is far more imperative now to fight a hundred-times greater danger: the religious dictatorship in Iran, the IRGC and its mercenary militias.”
This was reiterated by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in a speech to a conference in Paris focusing on “Explosive Conditions in Iran, Mullahs’ Regime in Crises”, on Saturday, December 16, 2017.
Mrs. Rajavi pointed out, “The international community has finally acknowledged the dangers and threats posed by the IRGC albeit long overdue. These statements are a positive step forward but not sufficient to confront the increasing damages caused by this destructive force and the heavy price the nations in the region have paid because of western governments’ appeasement of the regime over so many years.”
She emphasized, “The overthrow of the clerical regime is certain and within reach. This is the only solution to the problems in Iran, the region, and the world.”
The conference opened by Jacques Boutault, Mayor of the 2nd District of Paris, consisted of three panels of European, Arab and Islamic, as well as North American dignitaries.
The speakers of the first panel included Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Libertés; Roger Godsiff and Matthew Offord, members of the British Parliament; Michele de Vaucouleurs, Member of the French National Assembly and President of the Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran; Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, former German Minister of Justice; Rama Yade, former French Minister for Human Rights; Gerry Horkan, Chair of the Senate Budget Committee and deputy leader of the opposition party in the Irish Senate; Michael Kaminski, member of the Parliament of Poland; Romeo Nicoara, Member of the Romanian Parliament; and Otto Bernhardt, former Member of German Federal Parliament.

The speakers of the second panel included Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; George Sabra, President of the opposition Syrian National Council; Selva Oksoy, Vice Chair of the Syrian Coalition; Michel Kilo, a prominent Syrian opposition figure; Bassam Alamoush, former Ambassador of Jordan to Iran and former Minister of Administrative Development; Abdallah Altayar, Head of the Center for Future Gulf; Issa Turki, member of the Parliament of Bahrain; and Reyad Yassin, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen in France and former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The third panelists included Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of State; General James Conway, former Commandant of the U.S. Marines; and John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada.
Mrs. Rajavi pointed out in her speech, “If the mullahs’ religious tyranny was not so detested within the country, it would not have needed the IRGC, the Qods Force, and a dozen mercenary groups in the region. And if the regime was not so unstable, it would not have needed to engage in destructive wars in the region. The regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and IRGC commanders have reiterated time and again that if they don’t fight in Syria and Iraq, they would have to fight in Tehran, Hamedan and Isfahan.
“Despite massive repression, they are terrified of the ultimate showdown with the Iranian people. They fear the Iranian people’s resolve for change, embodied in their organized resistance.”

Underlining the fact that the clerical regime is more vulnerable than ever, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect called on western governments to undertake the following measures:
· Designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity and deny this criminal force and the entire Iranian regime access to the international banking system;
· Expel the IRGC and its militias from Syria, Iraq, and other countries in the region and prevent their transfer of troops and arms via these countries;
· Expel the operatives of the terrorist Qods Force and the Intelligence Ministry (MOIS) from Europe and the U.S.;
· Predicate all diplomatic and commercial relations with the mullahs’ religious dictatorship on an end to torture and executions in Iran;
· Call on the UN Security Council to set up a special tribunal on or refer the dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes, particularly the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, to the International Criminal Court;
Support reimbursing the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and the National Liberation Army of Iran for their properties, equipment, arms and basecamps by the government of Iraq; and

· Recognize the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the sole democratic alternative to the religious, terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran. This is indispensable to ending and rectifying the disastrous policy of appeasement pursued by the US and Europe in the previous years.

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