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The organization’s president, Yigal Carmo, and A. Savyon, director of the Iranian Media Project, contend the nations that reached the deal with Iran are restricted to inspecting only what the Iranians allow.“This is because the inspection procedure takes place only at sites where Iran has agreed to allow inspection, that is, sites Iran itself has declared as nuclear sites, but not at any other sites in Iran, including military sites,” MEMRI said.
“The Obama administration and the countries party to the JCPOA designed the JCPOA in a way that on the one hand they can claim that a robust inspection is being applied while on the other hand they allowed Iran to evade inspection in all other sites.”
The deal, which was harshly criticized when it was announced by Obama, lifted trade restrictions on Iran and had the U.S. transfer literal piles of cash to the rogue Islamic state on the assumption it would slow down its march toward nuclear weapons.President Trump now has the option of canceling the pact, and if he fails to certify the accord, Congress will need to decide whether to re-activate economic sanctions.
The president’s decision is expected by Oct. 15.
He recently referenced a “calm before the storm” but didn’t elaborate.
Reports suggest he was referring to the situation with Iran. And there have been some media reports that he will not certify the deal on the ground that it doesn’t serve U.S. security interests.
MEMRI explained the real issue.

“Recently, Western officials and commentators who support the JCPOA began to address two issues related to the JCPOA that they themselves admit to be problems that must be addressed. However, these issues – Iran’s development of long-range ballistic missiles, and the sunset clause, which refers to the removal, in eight to 10 years, of the restrictions on Iran set out in the agreement – are either not part of the JCPOA, i.e. the missiles, or are a long way off, i.e. the sunset clause, and therefore need not necessarily be addressed immediately.”

The report continued: “Thus, by raising these two issues they are diverting attention from the main, critical problem in the agreement which does require immediate attention: its lack of real inspection. This problem came up again recently when it was reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had chosen to refrain from inspecting sites in Iran based on information submitted to it about possible violations.”

The report said: “It should be clarified that when Iran, the IAEA, and the heads of the parties to the JCPOA reiterate that there is robust, intrusive, and unprecedented inspection, they are perpetuating the false depiction of the section of the JCPOA concerning inspection.”

For any other location than those allowed by Iran, inspections “can take place only after political negotiations in the Joint Commission of the JCPOA – which comprises the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China, the IAEA, and Iran – and only after some 30 days have passed from the time of the submission of the intelligence information that prompted the request for inspection, and only after the sources of this intelligence have been fully revealed to Iran, Russia, and China,” MEMRI said.

For the rest of this report, and more, please go to Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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