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Now Is the Time to Get Tough on Iran07 November 2017

Iran Focus
London, 7 Nov - The US needs to get tough on the Iranian Regime now, before the mullahs can target any more of the US’s interests in the Middle East.
The Iranian Regime needs little prompting to act against the US; in 2017 alone they’ve helped their proxy terrorist groups to fire upon Saudi Arabia, tried to murder Americans, attacked Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria, and support terrorist cells like the Taliban.
Only last week we learnt of the extensive relationship between the Iranian Regime and al Qaeda, which included providing money, training, and safe passage to the terrorists prior to 9/11 and then hiding high-ranking members (including Osama Bin Laden’s son) from American authorities afterwards.
Nearly half a million recently declassified files, seized from Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound during the 2011 raid in which he was killed, show a dangerous relationship between the terror cell and the leading state sponsor of terrorism.Followingly the release of these files, the Iranian Regime continued to work against America and its interests more intensely.
On Saturday, November 4, the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen launched a ballistic missile attack on Saudi Arabia. It is safe to assume that the Regime was involved because Houthi commanders would not risk losing Iran's wide-ranging support by launching such a high-scale attack without Iran’s say so.
Also on Saturday, the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his shock resignation, for which he blamed Iran and its proxy terror group Hezbollah who were plotting to assassinate him for his resistance to Hezbollah as they gained increased control over the Lebanese government.
This was a legitimate concern, considering that his father was assassinated by Iranian proxies back in 2005.
The Washington Examiner presented an appropriate response to the Iranian Regime’s effort to weaken the US by supporting Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in his attempts to move his country forward, cutting off funding for Lebanese military personnel affiliated with Hezbollah, and deploying a carrier strike group to the Persian Gulf.
This is essential.
In 2011, the Iranian Regime plotted to bomb a Washington restaurant with a Saudi ambassador inside and receive little admonishment for it, which led them to believe that their behaviour was tolerated. So it continued.

In 2013, now-defense secretary, Jim Mattis explained that appeasement was dangerous.

He said: “[The Iranian revolutionary guards] are like children balancing lightbulbs full of nitroglycerin, you get the picture ... One of these days they're going to drop one and it's going to knock out the London stock exchange or Wall Street, because we never drew a line and said you won't do it. Now it's very important we stand up as Americans and say this is what I stand for, but it's also very important once in a while that we say this is absolutely what we won't tolerate."

The appeasement must end and Iran must be countered; otherwise they will always behave like this.

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