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Human rights
Political Prisoner

In her first address to the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Ms. Asma Jahangir, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in Iran, called for a comprehensive and independent investigation into the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.
She said, "The significant number of petitions, communications, and documentation related to the reported execution of thousands of political prisoners, men, women, and teenagers in 1988, speaks of a deep and unremitting pain that must be surely addressed.
The killings themselves have been acknowledged by some at the highest levels of the State. Almost on a daily basis, I receive heartfelt letters from the relatives of those killed calling for answers. The families of the victims have a right to remedy, reparation, and the right to know about the truth of these events and the fate of the victims without risking reprisal.”The Special Rapporteur reiterated her call for a comprehensive and independent investigation into the massacre.
Ms. Jahangir, who presented the human rights situation in Iran in the first half of 2017, expressed her concern over "the highest number of executions", including 435 executions since the beginning of the year, "executions and death sentences for people under the age of 18", "tortures, such as amputation, blinding, flogging”, convicting prisoners on charges of "corruption on earth", "the deprival of medical care as a form of punishment ", arresting and torture of human rights activists demonization against them, "targeting the families of prisoners and their lawyers", and "arrest and interrogations and threats to journalists and bloggers", the general deprivation of religious minorities and the lack of a judicial structure based on the international law and lack of right to defense in Iran.

Mohammad Hassaninejad, the representative of the regime in the United Nations, called Mrs. Jahangir's words "unrealistic accusations", "biased," and "totally political against Iran", and, by fabricating a series of false accusations, attempted to cover up the human rights situation in Iran under the rule of the mullahs. He claimed that all minorities in Iran are allowed to have activities unless they are harmful to Iranian society [read the clerical regime]. "We denounce the appointment of the country-specific Special Rapporteur… , no country should change its way of life because of Western dictation," said this diplomat terrorist of the mullahs regime who was severely outraged due to exposure of the Iranian regime's crimes by the Iranian Resistance, and thus emphasized the continuation of brutal and systematic violations of human rights in Iran.

The day before, Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of the so-called human rights headquarters of the regime’s judiciary, also unveiled the regime's fury of the exposure of the crimes by this oppressive system and their fear of the Iranian people uprising and said: "We will not allow anyone to come anybody to conduct corruption in our country under the name of rapporteur. You see, what they did in the Islamic Republic in the name of human rights during the 2009 sedition [i.e. 2009 uprising], the most treacherous affairs were committed in the country and they dragged the country into a chaos." (State TV-October 24)

At the Third Committee session of the UN General Assembly on October 25, representatives of a large number of different countries pointed out repressive policies of the Iranian regime, including "execution and stoning and amputation", "juvenile execution", "discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities", " the need for investigation on 1988 massacre", "the practice of discrimination against women," and ..., and called for the abolition of the death sentence and the recognition of freedom of expression and assembly for the Iranian people. At this session, representatives of some of the most well-known human rights violators, such as the representative of the Syrian brutal dictator, defended the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Considering that all the leaders and organs of the clerical regime from Khamenei to the president, the judiciary and the mullahs' parliament ... have participated in criminal executions, especially the massacre of 1988, and defend it, the Iranian Resistance calls for the formation of an international committee by the United Nations to investigate this massacre and refer its dossier to the UN Security Council in order to bring officials in charge of this terrible slaughter before justice. Those who now have the highest political, judicial, and intelligence positions in Iran under the rule of the mullahs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 26, 2017

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