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Iran's Explosive Domestic Situation
Sunday, 05 November 2017 18:29

National Council of Resistance of Iran, October 2017
The Iranian regime is going through one of the most turbulent phases of its 38-year rule. While the world is more focused on its illicit nuclear weapons program and the malign activities of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and its proxies in the region, a nationwide movement against the regime is gaining momentum at home.
In recent months, there have been 20-25 acts of anti-regime protest on average each day across Iran. Many of these protests begin by addressing people’s basic livelihoods but soon turn political with the chanting of anti-regime slogans.Slogans that have been heard throughout the country include: “forget Syria and think about us”, “with God’s aid, victory is imminent; down with this deceptive government”, “Oh great leader!, Iran has turned into a ‘thief house’”, “down with dictator”, “I will kill the one who killed my brother”, and “we will not accept humiliation, we will sacrifice our lives in the way of freedom”.

In September and October 2017, there were several dozen protests by people whose savings had been extorted by various licensed financial institutions, all of which later filed bankruptcy. These institutions have links to state bodies. One of the largest is called Caspian Financial Institution and belongs to the IRGC. The protests are continuing on a daily basis.

Another phenomenon that shook the regime in the second half of 2016 and in 2017 is a growing movement seeking justice for those massacred in 1988 when 30,000 political prisoners, mainly supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) were executed in mass in a matter of a few months. For nearly three decades, the regime used every means to pretend there was no opposition within Iran seeking regime change. It claimed time and again that the principale opposition, the PMOI, had been destroyed and eliminated. However, over the past year, there has hardly been a single day that the state media has not talked about the PMOI, expressing concern about the younger generation being attracted to the organization. Hundreds, if not thousands, of articles have been written in the state controlled media to confront the PMOI. Several dozen exhibitions have been held throughout the country to warn people to avoid the group, and a number of movies have been made to demonize it.
Since 2016, there have also been many protest actions by imprisoned dissidents.
For far too long the world has only focused on the Iranian regime and has ignored the Iranian people. In 1977, Iran seemed to be well entrenched under the Shah. On December 31, 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter said, “Iran, because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world. This is a great tribute to

You, Your Majesty, and to your leadership and to the respect and the admiration and love Which your people give to you.”
In 1978, ten months after street protests first erupted in Iran, US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski sent Carter a cheerful note that opened: “Good news! According to a CIA assessment, issued in August, Iran ‘is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation. There is dissatisfaction with the Shah’s tight control of the political process, but this does not at present threaten the government.”
At the time, the Shah had the largest, most powerful and best-equipped army in the region. The rise in the price of oil had improved quality of life for all Iranians. However, the West, including the U.S. failed to grasp two major issues, despite their extensive presence in Iran at the time. First, there was a lack of freedom in a country whose people were dying for it; and second, a large portion of the Iranian population was suffering in poverty.
The situation in 2017 is very different from that of 1979. However, the economic poverty and lack of freedom that led to the Shah’s overthrow exist today on a much larger scale, almost incomparable to 1979.
Unemployment and poverty levels are rising in Iran, inflation has reached record levels and the very low minimum wage means many citizens must take on several jobs just to survive. The number of people living under the poverty line is on the rise. People have been compelled to sell their kidneys and retinas; there is a growing number of drug addicts, some as young as 15; people live in open graves; child labour and homelessness are rampant. Yet, the mullahs live a life of luxury and spend billions of euros on the war in Syria and on funding Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. Slogans such as “forget Syria and think about Us” and “Not Lebanon, not Gaza; I will sacrifice my life for Iran” reflect a deep division Between the people of Iran and the ruling regime.
Protest rallies by defrauded investors across the country
Ahvaz, 25 October 2017
Large crowds demonstrated in Ahvaz and clashed with security forces. People were chanting: “Death to Rouhani”, “death to Saif” (governor of the Central Bank), “Rouhani, this is the last warning”, “Where is our money? Bahrain, Qatar or Syria?”, “They have stolen people’s money and they are attacking the people”, “Larijani (head of the Judiciary) is the judge, he is an accomplice of the thieves”.
Tehran: 23 October 2017
Two thousand people protested in front of the Majlis (Parliament). Security forces who were trying to violently disperse them faced strong resistance. Protestors chanted: “Shame! Shame on the police force!", "Cannons, machine guns, tanks no longer work”, “death to the dictator." When the police arrested some people, and wanted to take them by force, people chanted "You are ISIS, you are ISIS, death to ISIS, let them go," "Police, shame on you, let our fellow citizens go."
Other included: "Death to Saif (head of the Central Bank)", "Shame on Rouhani", "Larijani is supposed to be the judge but he is an accomplice of thieves ," "Theft is institutionalized, the hearts are full of hatred," "For traveling to other countries, they have taken our money "," They had a budget deficit, but they have taken it from our money", "Caspian institute has stolen, the government has supported it", " Saif betrays, Parliament confirms", " I will not give up unless I get my rights"," Injustice is enough".
FoxNews reporting protests
23 October 2017
Anti-regime protests spreading across Iran, says country's opposition
Ordinary Iranians reportedly took their grievances against the Tehran regime today to the country’s parliament as a result of what they say are the regime’s plundering of their savings and its corrupt policies.
Protests in Tehran, Mashhad, Rasht, Ardebil, Kerman and Ahvaz; 15 October 2017
Thousands of people whose savings have been plundered by institutions affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) rallied in the central streets of the above cities to express their anger and disgust against the clerical rule. As they marched through Pasteur Street, where Rouhani’s office is located, they chanted slogans condemning the plundering of their money by government bodies. Some of their slogans included:
“Death to this Oppression”, "Justice, justice" and “Rouhani, shame!”
Tehran and Mashhad: 30 July 2017
In simultaneous demonstrations in Tehran and Mashhad, people chanted: “Iranian banks are thieves; they steal our money”, “Is this the Central Bank or Headquarter of Thieves?”
See video clip here:
Tehran: 23 July 2017
Thousands of defrauded investors staged a protest rally against investment institutions affiliated with the (IRGC) in the streets of Tehran. Protesters demanded their money back and chanted: Death to Valiollah Seif, director of the Central Bank, and “I will die but I will never surrender to humiliation”, “we will get our money back”. Similar rallies were held in other cities including, Dezful, Chalous and Neishabour.
Babol(north of Iran): 17 July 2017
In the northern city of Bobal women had a very strong presence. They pushed back and chased members of security forces and banged on their cars chanting “Daesh, Daesh”.
Tehran, Mashhad, Zahedan, Rasht, Malayer, Sorkhrood: 29 June 2017
In these cities, people were chanting: “Death to thieves”, “Caspian has stolen, government has supported it”, “Down with Economic Daesh”.
Tehran: in front of regime’s Majlis 19 February 2017
People in this rally accused Judiciary head Sadegh Larijani and Central Bank Governor Valiollah Seif of corruption and collaboration in the embezzlement of their savings.
See video clip here:
Academic Staff
On the International Teachers’ Day, at least 28 cities in 20 provinces of the country witnessed protest gatherings by academic staff
These gatherings were held simultaneously in Ahvaz, Isfahan, Sharekord, Yazd, Karaj, Qazvin, Tabriz, Rasht, Sari, Azad Shahr (Golestan Province), Mashhad, Bojnourd, Torbat Heydarieh, Khoramabad, Aligudarz, Malayer, Koohdasht and Rumshkan and Delfan (Lorestan province), Hamedan, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Saqez, Mahabad, Marivan and Bushehr.
Demonstrators chanted: "Imprisoned teachers, workers, and students must be released", "The robbers' hands off the retirement funds", "The teacher's place is not in prison," and "We demand higher salaries above the poverty line at least 4 million Tomans"
Factory Workers
Arak (provincial capital of Markazi, central Iran): 20 September 2017
1800 workers of the Azarab factory in Arak gathered in the factory for the fourth day of their protests, after six months’ non-payment of their salaries and benefits. According to the workers, the company has no problem in terms of work and liquidity; directors who themselves have astronomical salaries and revenues refuse to give workers their rights. Protests have taken place in several cities focused on pay that has been in arrears for several months or even several years. Also of issue is the non-receipt of insurance premiums, year-end bonuses, and severance pay, lack of benefits, and layoffs.
Workers of the Azarab and Hepko factories in the city of Arak – central Iran clash with repressive forces.
Activities of Iranian Resistance Network inside Iran
During the regime’s presidential election (May-June) 2017
In the run-up to the election, the network of the Resistance inside Iran succeeded in bringing greater public attention to political freedom and to high numbers of executions, in particular the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, mostly members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Indeed, this issue, which for over 29 years was a forbidden area and a taboo, turned into a social demand undermining the entire regime with all its factions. Activities of the PMOI’s network in Iran led to a new social current spreading the slogan, 'No to executioner, no to charlatan, and our vote is regime change’. Their activities involved hanging huge portraits of the Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi from overpasses or bridges in major freeways in Tehran and other cities, posting her portraits on walls in public places and distributing flyers and T-shirts with the MEK emblem calling for regime change. According to activists and video clips from Iran, the pictures were accompanied by slogans such as “Our vote: Regime change”, “My vote: Maryam Rajavi” “Down with the clerical regime, Down with Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi”.
Activists take great risks engaging in these kinds of publicity campaigns.
In recent weeks, activists of the Resistance in various Iranian cities have launched a daring campaign to show the world the extent to which the people of Iran support the Iranian
Resistance's annual “Iran Freedom” rally in Paris.
Supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) have filmed and photographed themselves holding up photographs of Iranian Resistance President Maryam Rajavi and slogans in support of the 'Free Iran' rally.
Among the images sent out from the Iranian capital Tehran and other cities including Isfahan, Karaj and Kermanshah, there are slogans written on walls reading, “Our vote is regime change,”
“Down with Khamenei,” “Freedom with Maryam Rajavi,” “End to forced veiling with Maryam Rajavi,” and “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi.”
See video clip here:
Justice-Seeking Movement for Victims of 1988 Massacre
Seeking justice for victims of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners took a new turn after the release of a tape in 2016 wherein the successor-designate of Khomeini, Hossein-Ali Montazeri, strongly criticized members of the Tehran’s “Death Commission” for mass executions. He described the massacre, which followed a decree by Khomeini, as the
biggest crime in the history of the regime.
The movement reached a peak during the presidential election since Khamenei’s favourite candidate, Ebrahim Raisi, had been a member of the Tehran “Death Commission” in 1988, and it became a major election campaign issue forcing Raisi and his faction headed by Khamenei to focus on neutralizing the adverse impact of this issue.
The movement is continuing across Iran and the Resistance network has provided reports of their activities during the anniversary of the massacre in July, some of which are shown here, from some of the major cities.
Mashhad (provincial capital of Khorasan Razavi, northeast Iran) - A large poster displayed in the city with pictures of leading members of the Death Commission. It reads: “Maryam Rajavi: Perpetrators of 1988 massacre must be tried in International courts – July 2017”
Hamedan (provincial capital of Hamedan, western Iran) - A large poster displayed in Luna Park with a picture of Mrs Maryam Rajavi paying tribute to the victims of massacre. The poster also reads: “Hail to 30,000 martyrs of 1988 massacre”
Tehran – Graffiti that calls for “Trial of 1988 murderers – July 2017”

Arak (provincial capital of Markazi, central Iran) - Graffiti on a building in Mother’s Park that reads: “Trial of the perpetrators of 1988 massacre, long live Rajavi – July 2017”
Yazd (provincial capital of Yazd, central Iran) – Picture of Khamenei displayed upside down under a car windscreen wiper that reads: “Trial of perpetrators of 1988 massacre (Khamenei, Raisi, Pour Mohammadi, Nayyeri, Eshraqi)
Rey City (capital of Rey County, south of Tehran) – A young man displaying a handwritten slogan that reads: “We will never forgive nor forget perpetrators of 1988 massacre – July 2017)
See video clip here:
Activities in Support of Annual Gathering of Iranians in Paris June - July 2017
The annual “Free Iran” gathering of Iranians in Paris took place on July 1, 2017 and was widely welcomed by people inside Iran. Many posters and graffiti appeared on outside walls in support of the event. Many of them carried pictures of the Iranian Resistance leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.
Tehran – Large poster displayed on a wall in Khorramroudi Street with pictures of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi with a message quoted from Maryam Rajavi. It announces “Paris Gathering – 1 July 2017” and is signed by “Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran”.
Tehran – Large poster displayed on a wall in Hamisheh Bahar Street with pictures of Maryam Rajavi from the “Free Iran” gathering. It carries a slogan reading, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”. It is again signed by “Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran”.
Tehran, Damavand Highway – A woman supporter of the PMOI holding a banner reading, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”.
Tehran – A woman supporter of the PMOI writing graffiti saying, “Freedom and democracy with Maryam Rajavi”.

Tehran – “Maryam Rajavi: Regime change, freedom with Army of Iran – Kahkeshan (Paris Gathering) 2017”.
Karaj (West of Tehran) – “Down with Khamenei, long live Rajavi – July 2017”
Amol (Administrative centre of Amol County, Mazandaran Province, northern Iran) – Large poster of Maryam Rajavi on the entrance gate of the headquarters of the “Basij Resistance Group”, a paramilitary organization affiliated to the IRGC.
The poster reads, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”.
Arak (provincial capital of Markazi, central Iran) - A large poster hanging from a pedestrian overpass on a major highway with a portrait of Maryam Rajavi and a slogan reading, “Future of Iran with Maryam Rajavi – Free Iran, July 2017”.
Sahand (Eastern Azerbaijan province, northwest Iran) - Graffiti on the wall says, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi – July 2017”.
Support for Mrs Rajavi’s Call to End Executions in Iran
September 2017
On the occasion of the World Day against the Death Penalty, October 10, a campaign was launched in Iran in support of Mrs. Rajavi’s declared plan to ban execution in Iran as part
Of her 10-point plan for the future of Iran. The followings are some of the relevant activities by the network of the Iranian resistance.
Isfahan (Central Iran) – A poster on a street wall with Mrs. Rajavi’s picture reads: “Our plan for the future is an Iran without executions – Maryam Rajavi, October 2017”
Tehran – A banner in a park reads: “Rise up for the overthrow of the velayat-e faqih system – No to executions – Maryam Rajavi, October 2017”
Tehran – A banner in a street reads: “Maryam Rajavi: Our plan for future is an Iran without execution - No to executions, long live freedom – October 2017”
Hamedan (Provincial capital of Hamedan, western Iran) – Graffiti on a street wall reads, “No to executions – PMOI – October 2017”

Urumia (Provincial capital of Western Azerbaijan, northwest Iran) – Graffiti on a street wall reads: “Maryam Rajavi: Our plan for the future is an Iran without execution – October 2017”
See video clip here:
Writing slogans on the walls and distribution of leaflets in various parts of Tehran and other cities including; Isfahan, Oromia, Hamedan, Boroujerd and Ahvaz.
Activities to Mark Beginning of 2017-2018 Academic Year
Simultaneous with the beginning of the Academic Year 2017-2018 in Iran, there were widespread activities across the country including Qazvin, Isfahan, Shooshtar, Karaj, Share- rey, Torbat- Heidarieh, and various parts of Tehran including Tehran University in support of the Iranian Resistance and Mrs Rajavi.
Tehran - poster on a billboard reads: “Maryam Rajavi: Under dictatorship’s rule the first lesson is Freedom – Sep 2017”
Isfahan (Central Iran) – posters on a street wall with Mrs. Rajavi’s pictures read: “The first lesson in every classroom in every school, every high school and every university is Freedom”.
Karaj - Graffiti on the wall reads: “Down with Khamenei, Long live Rajavi- Sep 2017”
Shoshtar - Graffiti on the wall reads: “Democracy, Freedom with Maryam Rajavi- Sep 2017”

Insane Reaction of the Regime to Peoples’ Gathering in Pasargadae
On the occasion of the birthday of Cyrus the Great on October 29, the clerical regime resorted to outlandish tactics to prevent a gathering around his tomb in Pasargadae, near Shiraz, central Iran.
1. An official police statement declared that anyone participating in the rally is subject to Article 610 of the Tazeerat Law (Book 5 of the Criminal Code of the clerical regime in Iran). According to this article, "whenever two or more people gather and collude to commit crimes against the security of the country inside or abroad, or to provide means for that, they will be sentenced to two to five years' imprisonment..."
2. Motorists at some checkpoints were asked to sign a written commitment not to go to Pasargadae for up to 24 hours.
3. At the last checkpoint to Pasargadae, the regime blocked the route with road spikes, so that no car could proceed.
4. A large number of people were arrested including local people in the region for helping travellers to reach Pasargadae.
Nevertheless, in some gatherings on the roads leading to the Pasargadae, people chanted anti-government slogans, including, "Death to the principle of Velayat-e faqih (Supreme Leadership of clergy)".
See video clips here:
A long queue of cars, as long as 20-30 km according to eyewitness reports, trying to get to Pasargadae

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