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In response to the annual Reporters Without Borders Prize awarded to him, the Iranian political prisoner, Soheil Arabi, , said in a letter: “No reward can make me happy unless together hand in hand we uproot the oppression and overthrow the oppressors.”In part of the letter, this political prisoner currently detained in Ward 8 of Evin prison said: “When most media were in the hands of two factions that compete in censorship
and conservatism, when some people were paid to promote illiteracy and superstition to deceive us, I decided to be an independent journalist, so that I could reflect all the truth without retouching and censorship.”
“The arrogant ruler and his subordinates, however, have unimaginable fear of us understanding (the truth) and making others understand. They entertain us with myths and superstitions, and they are happy to put us to sleep in order to plunder our wealth and our land rest easy. Yes, awakening is like getting rid of tyrants, so they brutally suppress journalist citizens.”“Thank you very much my good friends across the borders who found me to be worthy of this valuable prize. This award gives me a twofold motivation to continue to work as a journalist citizen even behind bars to bring the voice of Iranian ideological and political prisoners to the attention of all the people of the world, and I hope you continue to help me in this matter,” Soheil added.

Another part of the letter reads: “Many young people have been sentenced to imprisonment along with me, including dozens of other political prisoners and prisoners of conscience throughout Iran who do not have adequate support. The forced labour camp at Evin Prison, ward 7 and 8, involves the unpaid work of prisoners who are forced to do the work of security personnel, and kitchen and infirmary staff, contrary to the prison regulations.”

“Sleeping on the bare floors, sale of food and goods multiple its set price, inspections with violence and dozens of other abuses including human rights violations are occurring in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. Alas, where is the saviour?”

Soheil Arabi, a graduate of photography and father of a young girl, was arrested by the Revolutionary Guards intelligence in the fall of 2013, and was subjected to torture in solitary confinement in ward A-2 of the IRGC.

Soheil Arabi was first sentenced to execution, then seven and a half years of imprisonment, for publishing photos of the 2009 uprising, the cartoon of Khamenei, and the reinsertion of articles in cyberspace. He was accused for "Propaganda against the state", "apostasy", "blasphemy against Prophet and insulting the sanctity". In addition, he was sentenced to three years imprisonment and a fine of 30 lashes for insulting regime leaders.

According to the verdict of the mullahs' inquisition court, to prove his regret and rescue from execution, Soheil Arabi has been sentenced to two years of "religious investigation", reading 13 volumes of mullahs’ absurd books about religion, and writing a summary of these nonsense stuff.

According to this disgusting ruling, he should submit a written response to his doubts to the court, write a paper using five religious books, and submit his research report to the court every three months for two years. The death penalty will be removed after proving his regret to the court and changing his behavior.

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