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NCRI - Following the resignation of the Lebanese Prime Minister, whowas protesting the interference of the Iranian regime in Lebanon and the Arab countries, the regime was caught in surprise. One can easily observe the Iranian regime’s worries and fearful reactions in their officials and media stands regarding international and regional confrontation against the regime following resignation of Lebanon’s PM.
“The sudden resignation of Saad Hariri and its expression in other countries is not only surprising, but also reflects his play on the ground that malicious people have designed in the region,” said Bahram Qassemi, a spokeswoman for the Iranian regime’s foreign ministry while expressing his worries.
Hossein Sheikh al-Islam, an advisor to the regime's foreign minister, said the resignation would not be a good cause and has taken place under the pressure from the United States and Saudi Arabia to create regional crisis, (State-run Kayhan daily, 5 November 2017).“The resignation of Hariri will be the first step in this new crisis-causing strategy,” a state owned newspaper wrote.

“It should be kept in mind that the preliminaries of this deliberate and well-considered plan is about to be done…on the other hand, one should pay attention to the United States’ actions. Trump attacks us and the Hezbollah… It seems that this crisis-causing triangle in the region is considering many plans for the system (regime) and its regional supporters,” (State-run Afarinesh newspaper, 5 November 2017).
The state-run Etemad newspaper also reflected the regime’s worries in this regard on November 5 and wrote: “Hariri’s resignation is in line with tension creating policies against the regime in the region. The eventuality of Saad Hariri's resignation is the start of a series of scenarios in Lebanon and the region that is not a good cause.”

The state-run Entekhab newspaper wrote: “This is a strategy that will undermine our power and the power of our regional allies including Iraq, Syria and Lebanon in the volatile and fragile situation of the region. Saad Hariri's resignation seems to be the start of this strategy in the region, which was preceded by a congressional punishment against Hezbollah and the system (regime).”

The state-owned media added that Saad Hariri's sudden resignation and allegations against Tehran and Hezbollah were sufficient to recognize the implementation of the joint strategy of the Trump and Saudi government to limit the role of the (Iranian) regime in the region from Lebanon as the first round of the chain, (Entekhab daily, 5 November 2017).

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