center> Important News Iran stars: Possible Saudi-Russia cooperation seen in Syria against Iranian influence
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Possible Saudi-Russia cooperation seen in Syria against Iranian influence

Saudi King Salman with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at Al Salam Palace
Saudi King Salman with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at Al Salam Palace
Dubai, Gulf News, September 10, 2017 - The Saudi king and Russia’s foreign minister have met in Saudi Arabia ahead of a possible visit by the monarch to Russia next month.
Saudi Arabia’s state news agency says King Salman and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Sunday discussed the war in Syria and an Arab diplomatic crisis with Qatar.
Saudi Arabia supports Sunni rebels fighting the Syrian government, which is backed by Russia and Shiite-ruled Iran.
Lavrov is scheduled to visit Jordan next, after last month meeting leaders in Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
Analysts say that Saudi Arabia wants Russia to counter the rise of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad’s main backer, Iran.
Iranian-backed fighters, including the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, have played a major role in the Syrian president’s comeback.
For the Saudis, “the regime is no longer an issue, even the president is no longer an issue,” said Mustafa Alani, head of the defense and security department at the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai.
“The problem is the question of the Iranians on the ground.”
The US and Israel are also now arguing that “the Russians should work to end the presence of Iran in Syria,” Alani said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Aug. 28 that Iran is producing precision missiles at factories in Syria and Lebanon. On Thursday, Al Assad’s government blamed Israel for an air strike on a military position in northwest Syria.
Russia sees Iran as a strategic ally in the Middle East, whereas for the Saudis it’s a regional rival. Still, their interests could overlap, according to Yury Barmin, a Middle East expert at the Russian International Affairs Council, a Moscow-based research group set up by the Kremlin.
“The hard power on the ground in Syria is Russia and it’s calling the shots,” he said.
“But the Russians are working to contain Iran’s influence, and this issue is something they could talk about” with the Saudis.
Russia is seeking to gain international legitimacy for its Syrian campaign and avoid an open-ended military conflict by encouraging Al Assad to strike a deal with his opponents in Geneva.
Those negotiations have been effectively stalled for years.
Lavrov was in the Gulf last week for a tour that included a stop in Qatar, another major backer of the Syrian rebels. He said that while differences remain, there’s overall interest in ending the war.
The US and its European allies, as well as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, have had to shift their stance on Al Assad.
They now largely accept that he’ll remain during a transitional phase, said two Western diplomats familiar with the matter. The envoys spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussions are confidential.

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