center> Important News Iran stars: International Federation of Workers Criticizes Iran Regime's Way of Dealing With Sugar Cane Company Workers
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International Federation of Workers Criticizes Iran Regime's Way of Dealing With Sugar Cane Company Workers

By NCRI Staff
NCRI - On Saturday, September 2, hundreds of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers stopped working in protest of non-payment of their claims.
Workers were protesting the failure to pay several months' wages, the uncertain status of bonus benefits, continuing filing, expulsion, threats, summons and trial of workers at the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company.
The congress of the International Federation of Food Workers, Agriculture and Services has adopted a resolution criticizing the way Iranian regime is dealings with the workers of the Sugar Cape Haft Tapeh and announced its support for the workers.
In this “emergency resolution” that was published in “Solidarity with the Workers 'Union of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Workers, the International Organization supported Haft Tapeh workers' struggle for the unpaid wages, benefits of social security and the recognition of their union.”
The federation in its resolution also called for the elimination of the charges against all workers of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane, emphasizing the need for full payment of salaries and benefits of the workers and the recognition of the workers' syndicate.
The Union of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Workers is a member of the International Federation of Food Workers, Agriculture and Services. The center of this federation, founded in 1920, is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Earlier this week, the workers' union of Haft Tapeh Sugarcane Company issued a statement on Friday, September 1 on what it refers to as “filing, eviction, threats, summons and trial of workers” and said: “Security, law enforcement, and judiciary officials made cases against more than 70 hardworking sugar factory workers.”
The Union added: “Why, instead of paying the claims and wages of the personnel during these few days, the bulk of other workers were fired, suspended and summoned to the disciplinary committee?”
According to the Workers' Union of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company, the deputy director of the company “constantly states that the company is private and does not believe in the work discipline. Moreover, the installation of multiple cameras at the company level, and continuous presence and monitoring by the law enforcement forces, has turned the sugar cane company into a garrison.”
According to the statement of this guild organization, “As soon as two workers protest at the company level, the police immediately enter the company and create fear and terror.”

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