center> Important News Iran stars: Contradictory Comments of Iran Regime Officials and Media About Implications of Nuclear Agreement
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Contradictory Comments of Iran Regime Officials and Media About Implications of Nuclear Agreement

Kamal Kharazi, former Iranian minister of foreign affairs & the former Foreign Minister of Australia
NCRI Staff
NCRI - Contradictory statements by the government officials and state-owned media provide a clear picture of the state of the Iranian regime’s deadlock in the nuclear agreement (JCPOA).
According to the Iranian regime TV on September 12, Seyed Kamal Kharazi (former Iranian minister of foreign affairs) at a meeting of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations held with the former Foreign Minister of Australia, said: “The position of European countries is explicit in support of the JCPOA, but banking and insurance issues are still unresolved, and we hope that this test will prove the independence of European politics vis-à-vis the United States.”
Meanwhile, Ali Khorram, an advisor of the regime's foreign minister, Javad Zarif, said: “The system, regardless of the America's accusations and throwing stone against JCPOA, must act as one party to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities based on this international agreement.”
“The life of the JCPOA depends on its strict implementation by Iran, so that there is no excuse for the atomic agency (IAEA) acting as a technical observer so that the Americans can (not) make it a legal excuse against the JCPOA,” Khorram added, according to state-run Etemad (Trust) newspaper on September 12.
In a response to these arguments by the bands affiliated to the regime's president, Hassan Rouhani, the state-run Kayhan daily affiliated to Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme Leader, wrote: “The translation of this view in a non-diplomatic and all-embracing language is that in the nuclear challenge, we hit the Americans foot with our abdomen (we kick their foot by our abdomen not by our foot), and they (Rouhani’s band) are sure to report to the people that we hit the United States hard!” (Kayhan – 12 September 2017).
The state-run TV reported this disorderly state of the regime in JCPOA deadlock in this way:
“JCPOA, finally with or without the United States?”
“The United States will announce its new position on JCPOA next week. The president of the United States will try to change the content of the deal more and more now in the interests of the United States, or will leave the JCPOA by some excuses. How would Iran's executive and nuclear officials defend the rights of the nation against this treason? We wait,” (Iran regime TV – 12 September 2017).

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